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You Can Help The Poor

Love us  A trusted name for helping the poor. We have been working on this project since 2000 to make the world equal for everyone. At present we are working on a project called "Save The Children and Make The World a Better Place

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We are working on many projects right now such as saving the elephants, making sure of the education for poor children, promoting the rights of poor children and so many other projects.

What We Do?

We’re On A Mission To Solve
The Problems

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Pure Water

Millions of people around the world live under a lower scale of poverty. They do not get pure, safe and sound drinking water. So we are trying to serve them pure health water for their better future.

Healthy Food

In today's world we know that many people do not get their food daily. It is very difficult for us in today's world that people do not get their food. So we opened a project called "No people will die without eating"

Medical Facilities

People in Africa, Philistine, afghanistan, Livia and many other countries are not getting the proper medical treatment. So we have open a slogan and a project called “people will not suffer for medical treatment


Education is the backbone of a nation. But many children do not get a chance to go to school due to their poverty. So we are raising funds for a project called education for everyone and every child will go to school.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to make the world a better place for everyone. Everyone has their rights equally and we want to make sure that people can get food, education, treatment and accommodation for everyone who is living in poverty.

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Our Vision

In 2030 we want to see our organization in that position where we can see that only 10 percent people are living under poverty and in 2040 no people will be living under poverty around the world.

How Can You Help?

Your donation will help us save and improve lives with research, education and emergency care.

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28 Mar

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You can start a fundraiser and can help the […]

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Why is it important to support

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